Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Impact of Technology Class Reflective Posting

During my latest class, Understanding the Impact of Technology on Education , Work, and Society, I must say that I have learned a great deal of information that can be used when unit planning and understanding the learning devices of students in my classes. This class has introduced numerous methods of concept delivery - podcast, wiki, blogging, discussion boards. Each of these things are innovative and sure to grab the attention of students which will, therefore, motivate them to not only participate in the class learning environment but also to be authors of the learning community.
This class has really changed my view of classrooms being student centered rather than teacher lead. I see that students are more enthused with class when they are actively involved in not only their education but also the education of their peers' education. This revelation has motivated me to stay on top of the latest technological advancements that can be actively and readily applied to the classroom. I plan to join many technology in education groups. In these groups I don't want to just belong I want to actively learn about and incorporate these new break throughs in my classroom. Another goal that I have is to make my classroom more technology driven. When given the opportunity, I plan to utilize as many of these techniques that I learned in this class as well as other technology strategies as possible. I want my students to have the best possible education afforded to them. This means that I must strive to be the best teacher that I can possibly be so that my students will have this reflected upon them.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

School Aged Children & Technology

This week in my Master's class on technology, we have been discussing technology - are people Digital Immigrants or Digital Natives, as it relates to the theories of Marc Presnky. We were to complete an interview with students in our classrooms about the technologies that they use, how much they use it, and their comfortableness with these various technologies.
The link below will take you to the interview I conducted with four students.